One thing my students and I all needed during the first week of school....Brain Breaks....and lots of them! Current brain research suggests that increasing movement can enhance learning and decrease behavioral issues!
If you haven't heard about GoNoodle, (where have you been?) and SIGN UP NOW! This website actually saved my life last week. We had a great week, learned lots and took plenty of wonderful brain breaks! In my class, I watch carefully for participation during our GoNoodle time and pick a GoNoodle Champ each time! We pass around the GoNoodle Champ Lanyard and the champ gets to pick the next brain break! (I secretly keep a check off sheet, too, just to make sure everyone gets a know how we primary teachers are!) You can download these simple cards to use in your classroom here!
Here is one more freebie for you and your students! I like to get my kids up and out of their seats so I created this little Scatter and Roll Game! This is a variation on "Four Corners." Simply print and hang the 6 signs around the room. Students scatter around the room, standing near one of the signs. Choose a student to roll a die. Students standing near the numbered sign, sit down or go to a designated area of the room. Remaining students scatter and the die is rolled again. Repeat this until one student is left standing! I hope your students will enjoy!
Here's to a new school year and having lots of fun Brain Breaks with our kids!
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