Who Goes First? A Quick Partner Solution!

21 September 2015 / Leave a Comment
"Who goes first?" This question haunts my ears daily as we engage in math station games, literacy station activities, and group discussions.

It's human nature to be curious about the order of things, but a tad exhausting to generate spur of the moment partner solutions in the hubbub of other classroom happenings.

And then...a star was born:

Avoid the dreaded question, “But who goes first?!” and simplify classroom games and activities with these simple, easy-to-follow “Who goes first?” tasks.

Every week, I put a new “Who Goes First?”card on our station chart. I lead a small mini-lesson Monday morning about the new card I have posted. Students can refer to the card any time a station or activity requires students to play the game in an alternating order.

By the time we have rotated once through all of the cards, students can quickly and easily recognize the “Who Goes First?” task without any reminders or mini-lessons!

There are 8 tasks included in black & white and also a colored version. 



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