Want to teach your kiddos never to give up? To make the most of their mistakes? To embrace challenges? You need to teach your students about the Growth Mindset! Read alouds are a great way to start the mindset conversations and spring board into new learning.
If you haven't heard of the Growth Mindset yet, you are missing out! Check out my other
blog post HERE and
HERE to get some basic information about developing the Growth Mindset in your classroom.
Here is a list of my favorite read alouds for Growth Mindset! I love to read a few of the books on this list at the beginning of the year and then space out the others through the year. The books provide a great way to steer conversations toward the Growth Mindset and help keep growth principles from being forgotten.
The first book I like to read to help teach Growth Mindset to my students is
Your Fantastic Elastic Brain by JoAnn Deak. This book explains brain research findings in very kid friendly language without sacrificing the content. I also reread certain sections to spark some discussion as review of the Growth Mindset.

When trying to teach my students that making mistakes is okay, I read
Beautiful Oops! by Barney Saltzberg. This book has wonderfully interactive illustrations. Each page takes an "oops" and turns it into something beautiful.
The Tortoise and the Hare by Janet Stevens is a wonderful adaptation of the classic tale. It's a great book to teach students that determination and effort pay off in the end!
The Most Magnificent Thing is written by Ashley Spires. A girl sets out to make the most magnificent thing but fails and quits! Her dog convinces her to take a walk and come back to try again. Finally she gets it just right!
Thanks for the Feedback, I Think is written by Julia Cook. It is hard to hear that there are things you need to improve on! This story teaches students how to respond to positive and negative feedback.
What To Do With An Idea? is written by Kobi Yamada. This is a charming story about having an idea, letting your idea grow, and bringing it out for all the world to see.

This is my newest addition! It is so new to my list that it didn't even make the graphic! I can't wait to read it to my kiddos!
Rosie Revere Engineer is by Andrea Beaty. Rosie sets out to build an invention that can fly but it only hovers a moment. What a failure! Or is it? Great book to teach that failure only comes if you quit!
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