Many of you may know about these great FREE resources for poetry, but if you don't, you are in luck today! This is a great time to revisit these websites and find some free poetry for you and your students during National Poetry Month!
I use Giggle Poetry a lot! This site hosted by Bruce Lansky has so many funny poems that kids will enjoy reading over and over. The poems really hit home with a lot of children as they are about everything from life at home to life at school. Many are laugh out loud funny, even for adults.
Another fun site is by Kenn Nesbitt. This site is chock full of funny poems that get kids laughing and reading, two of my favorite things! Kenn includes poems by himself and other authors that will motivate students of all ages to read and share.
DLTK's Poetry page has some great poems students can use, especially for holidays. I love that they can be printed out easily for children to read and practice for fluency practice. Many of the poems are great for younger students too.
Fizzy, Funny, Fuzzy is a website I just found by Gareth Lancaster. He is a British Author, so the spellings are a little different, but the silliness ranks right up there with Bruce Lansky and Kenn Nesbitt. Kids will be laughing at all of the fun poems they find and read on this website.
Poems Every Child Should Know is actually a PDF of classic poems. Funny usually rules with students, but these poems are definitely worth checking out. This is chock full of classics from Longfellow, Shakespeare, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and many others. This is a great place to find poems for some of the older students who actually have to analzye poetry.
So, look no further than your trusty Internet to find some great poems for children ~ no books needed! And if you are looking for something to help with some poetry fun, these poetry resources helped my students as they looked into poetry and found out what it is really all about. The blue cover is a free sample of my paid product, which has the green cover.
Here is an example from the product.
Have a happy Poetry Month!
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