"Here Miss Vincent, I found a crayon."
"Miss Vincent, is this your glue stick?"
-No...my glue never gets stuck in the lid
"Here's some dirt."
Ok...that last one never happened.
But you get the idea!
My students USED to give me all the stuff they found!
And forget about anybody actually claiming something on the ground if I asked whose does this belong to?!!
Now before you get too excited...
It doesn't actually stop your students from trying to give you stuff.
(It's not a magic bucket!)
BUT...it gives a place for all the stuff to go!
"Miss Vincent, here's a crayon."
-Put it in the Lost Property bucket.
"Miss Vincent, I found somebody's glue top."
-Put it in the Lost Property bucket.
"Miss Vincent, I can't find my scissors!"
-Check the Lost Property bucket.
"Miss Vincent, I don't have a black marker."
-See if there's one in the Lost Property bucket.
Some kids start to do this without involving you!
Which is awesome!!
But you always have those few who never stop bothering asking you!
Do you have any tricks to help with lost items in your classroom?
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