Holidays With Heart

30 November 2016 / 2 comments

Our world needs love and kindness more than ever!  This holiday season, consider challenging your students to find ways to show gratitude to those who serve, and support to those in need.  Children are naturally giving, so provide opportunities for creative kindness!  Service projects can bring out the best in kids, build a sense of classroom community, and encourage a life-long pattern of giving back.  Here are some awesome ways your classroom can give back this holiday season!

Get Inspired!

There are amazing stories of children all over the world finding unique and powerful ways to help others.  Show your students some examples and get the creative juices flowing.  In this video, 5 year-old Jayla tells how she creates goodie bags of essential items for the homeless.

Ideas for Service Projects

Letters to Soldiers
Have your class write letters of appreciation to soldiers!  You can even include the school address in the letter and may receive a reply one day.  This project allows students to think of others, practice their letter-writing, and show some kindness.  Letters sent after December 1 may not reach soldiers abroad before the holidays, but will still be appreciated and encouraging at any time.

Check out:

Cards or Holiday Decorations for a Local Senior Care Home
Over a million Americans live in nursing homes, some without close friends or family to show them love and care.  Find a nearby home or facility and show them some love!  Students can make cards, simple holiday decorations, or even baked treats to share.  Drop the goodies off or plan a "weekend field trip" where everyone meets up to deliver the surprises.  

Easy decorations:

Treats for Firefighters or Police
Empower your class to make care packages for local fire or police stations.  The students can make cards, decorations, or even some home-made treats! 

Random Acts of Kindness
If you're not up for a time-consuming class project, you could try promoting Random Acts of Kindness.  Students can do this in and out of the classroom!

What other ways do you encourage a giving spirit in your classroom?  


  1. I love this post!! Thanks for the ideas!

  2. Love your ideas. I love the service projects and giving back to others and the community.


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