Let's face it...teaching is hard. It is exhausting- mentally and physically. We end each day with a long sign of exhaustion and then, have to get ready for the next day. Winter break gives us some much needed time to recharge our batteries. It gives us the time to decompress and relax.
Here are a few ways for you to recharge those teacher batteries over the holidays. Let's get those energy levels back to fully engaged so we can return to school energized and ready to teach the future.
Let Go!
First and foremost, let go of your classroom and let go of your students. (Sing in your best Frozen voice!) Let it go! Let it go! Take some time to lay aside the worries and anxieties that go along with teaching. Take some days and don't do ANYTHING connected with teaching. No grading. No Pinterest surfing. Nothing.via GIPHY
I know it is tempting to use your break time to get "caught up". As if that will really happen! We teachers are never entirely caught up! But hey, remember, that it will all still be there when you get back. No need to spend your precious break time grading papers.
IF you MUST work a little bit, take the time to take a couple of days off before you do some work and then again after you do some work. Sandwich the work time between the
no work times. Hopefully you will still have enough of a recharge when you return to full time work!
Spend Time With People Who Love You
There is nothing that will make you feel warm and fuzzy like spending time with people who love you! Whether it is a phone call, a visit, or Face-time, connect with those who love you!Take Time To Do Things You Don't Usually Have Time For
Go for that hike. Visit that new boutique. Have lunch with a almost forgotten friend. Read that book on your nightstand. Do something that you usually put off because you are too busy.Rest
I know it is easy to run run run over the holidays. Too many parties. Too many obligations. It is important to slow down and rest a little. I am going to go wild here and suggest sleeping late and taking a nap. Get caught up on all that sleep we miss when we are rushing into our class early, leaving late, and carting a bag home to do.Take a Day for Yourself
Read a book. Go to the spa. Get your nails done. Get a massage. Binge watch some Netflix. Do whatever it is that makes YOU happy. Take time for a MEday!Laugh
Sometimes laughter is really the best medicine. We spend each day teaching kiddos which is a sometimes a daunting and serious undertaking. Use your time off to rediscover your laughing voice. Maybe watch a movie that makes you laugh. (I like Elf for the holidays.) Or watch some YouTube videos of pet bloopers. Have you tried cats vs. cucumbers? Or spend time with someone reminiscing about old times. Do whatever tickles your funny bone. But be sure to find some time for joy and laughter!via GIPHY
The goal is to refresh, relax, and decompress! Make the time! Be deliberate in your planning for MEdays. Give yourself a gift for once. Recharge those batteries so you can be a better teacher version of yourself when you return to work.

I cannot wait to re-charge and read lots of books on the beach after Wednesday! Thanks for the great reminders in this post! Happy holidays!