So........ we are STILL in school until Thursday!!! We are spending our last few days with fun classroom celebrations! Today was dedicated to The Polar Express. We dressed in our favorite PJ's, comfy slippers, stuffed animals, and blankets. We all had a golden ticket to enter the room and I punched messages on the tickets. It was great to see my kids as just sweet little ones in PJ's. We tend to forget they're just little kids and need play and imagination. We enjoyed cookies and hot cocoa at the exact point in the movie when the waiters are serving hot cocoa.
It was magic!!
We had such a great day!! Some of my favorite quotes from the day:
"This is the best day---I'm happy!"
I've always heard jingle bells--so I Believe!!
"I'll believe what ever they tell me to believe as long as I get a bunch of presents"--LOL
"Mrs. Hudson, you believe don't you?"
"Oh yes I replied"
After the movie we had some fun with our reading stations and my newest Roll and Write Center!!
The kids had such fun writing their own Polar Express stories!!
If you're interested in this and other writing centers check out my
A few more snapshots of the season!!
We will cap off the celebrations with our Gingerbread Houses during the Classroom Party!!
Even Jingles get into the act!!
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!
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