Fall Science Centers
Hi Friends,
It is Sarah from Science is for Kids. I have some great fall centers for you.
Fall is one of my favorite seasons. We have been on a fall scavenger hunt looking for leaves, acorns and other signs of fall. We are lucky to have an abundance of Oak Trees on our campus. One of the things the children look for is acorn that a squirrel has eaten. There are a lot of those wonderful little hulls under the trees. Looking for these acorns and finding them is a concrete way to put part of a food chain together.
On a recent trip to Michael's Craft Store I saw a couple of things that would make great science centers for fall. I am sharing two with you today.. This first one is pictured above. I got some witches fingers and plastic eyeballs. The children are learning about force and motion. I am also working on Newton's Laws of Motion. The children use the fingers to pick up an eyeball and drop it into a graduated cylinder. You can use any container that you have on hand. They are demonstrating that an object stays at rest until a force acts upon it. I also placed some pom, poms in the container as well. The children pick up the objects from the table. This is great fine motor practice as well.
I saw these Styrofoam gourds too. They were on sale so I couldn't resist them. This center teaches about balance. I used plastic spoons I had on hand. The children get a spoon and a gourd and balance it. I gave them an area of the classroom to walk around in so they would not just wander about. Some of them got fancy and put three spoons in one hand and balanced three gourds. This is a fun way to practiced balance and it strengthens focus as well as coordination. Win! Win!
I also have two products in my TPT Store for fall that you can use in your classroom. Please check out my close read for pumpkins. This is a Non-Fiction passage. I have included several art activities as well,.
I have a speaking and listening product that I love. Speaking and Listening Jokes and Riddles for Fall. We love jokes and riddles. This product also has an art activity in it. Check it out.
Enjoy Fall,
Sarah Tharpe Winchell
Science is for Kids
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