My second graders are becoming such great readers at this point in the year. However, it is always challenging to keep them engaged in the text and to be responsible for their reading. I believe that students will be more engaged when they choose books for themselves. One method I use is to have each student keep their own book box for independent reading. In that book box my students keep a reading log and track the genres of the books they are reading. I use a very simple reading log sheet and a reading genre wheel. The Reading Genre Wheel is a freebie from Rachael Parlett. It is a great addition to your book box materials!!
One of the most valuable tools I use are my Reading Buddies Talk Bubbles! My students pair up with their reading buddy to read the anchor text each week as well as other selections they have chosen throughout the week. Before reading they determine the genre of the selection and then choose a talk bubble from the appropriate tub. After reading the selection the buddies discuss their question and then choose a writing response bubble. I have found that these bubbles really aide in the comprehension of the story or informational text.
I hope these ideas will be useful for your classroom reading instruction. Please check out our
CTR Reading Board on Pinterest for more great ideas!!
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